
물 폭탄 수송기

변희룡 2014.01.28 조회 296





한국은 산불이 자주 발생하는 나라, 산불 대응 비행단을 하나 창설하면, 국가에도 큰 도움이 되고, 우리 예비역들 일자리도 생기고, 산불 대비 항공기 생산하여 수출도 하고...


Water Bombing Forest Fires VIDEO

Water bombing forest fires

Very courageous and skilled pilots. The shots of the pilot wrestling with the controls is revealing...

The old company, Bombardier Aerospace, makes these.  They dont motor around to fill the tanks---they touch down at approach speed, open the fill scoops, add lots of power, and the tanks fill in seconds.  Theres one scene in the film where you can see the two tank level gauges rapidly go up.  The other neat thing is watching the magnitude of the flight control inputs, especially aileron, as they are maneuvering down low---sometimes the pilot is literally going stop to stop.  Real flying!



